An intersectional feminist podcast about Star Trek
Latest Episodes
Hi Intertrekkies! Here's a rerun of our ode to the Borg Queen, dedicated to all you Picard-watchers out there. And don't worry, we'll have a totally fresh Q ep out to you soonsoon!
Repulsive yet seductive, powerful and enigmatic, the Borg Queen is one of our favorite Star Trek villains. In preparation for Star Trek: Picard, Becca and Ryan kick off InterTREKtional Season Two with this deep look at the Borg's baddest bitch.
Uh-oh! You've just experienced a transporter accident, and now everyone around you looks the same but is acting very strange. Your midriff is exposed, and your coworkers are making aggressive sexual advances. Welcome to the (dun dun dunnn) Mirror Universe. Don't worry, Becca and Ryan are here to hold your hand, while we explore how queerness and kink are used as shorthand for EEEEVIL.
******Mild Spoiler Alerts for: Star Trek Mirror Universe eps, The Suicide Squad, Stargate SG1, Rick and Morty (S5E5), and Netflix's Bonding.******
Y'all WE DID A LIVE SHOW!!! Behold Becca and Ryan discussing asylum seekers/refugees in the universes of Trek and "the real." Recorded live as part of the IDIC Podcast Festival hosted by Women at Warp this past July 17-18, 2021. Donate to Never Again Action.
Hit it.
P.S. seriously check out the other podcasts in this festival, they are LEGIT
ANNOUNCEMENT! We will be podcasting LIVE at the IDIC Podcast Festival hosted by Women at Warp on July 17th at 3:30pm PT // 6:30pm ET. You can watch us streaming on Women at Warp’s Facebook and YouTube pages (and we'll share the recording in our feed afterwards).
We're back, with a baby this time! Congratulations and mazel tov to Ryan and her new baby 🤩 Hence, we're doing a deep dive into Trek's portrayal of pregnancy, childbirth and child rearing, through the decades.
Welcome to 3188! Discovery Season 3 is a wild ride and we are HERE. FOR. IT. This ...month? Becca and Ryan discuss the beautiful emotional journey of Michael Burnham, with stops along the way to talk Tilly, thirst for Book, send our love to the baby enbys, and salute Georgiou. There are spoilers in this! Oh, and P.S. get your vaccine as soon as you're eligible.
Happy New Year, Intertrekkies, and welcome to Risa! All that is ours is yours. Today's topic: SEX WORK. Strap in for a deep dive into this important topic. Also, 2nd wave feminism, Picard's package, costume obsessions, and more!
Lovely Intertrekkies, we hope you're doing alright out there as we drag on into the nth month of this pandemic. To help you through it, here is a deep dive into Star Trek's portrayal of widespread, highly virulent, or large-in-the-literal-sense diseases. Mask up, stand far away from each other, and put us in your earballs!
Becca and Ryan are VERY into Star Trek: Lower Decks and here's our pitch for why you should be, too. Join us for a SPOILERIFIC episode where we discuss everything from holomovies to calling out your friends when they say problematic shit.
Intertrekkies, we missed you! We're back with an all new episode, diving into the Discovery premier: Klingon teeth, Vulcan Supremacy, and lady time, we've got it all.
In this Extra we recorded a week ago, when the boredom of isolation seemed like our most urgent issue, we talk about what we've been watching while in quarantine (The Matrix trilogy, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Great, Solar Opposites, and Midnight Gospel). ***Some mild spoilers!***